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A lot of parental information can be found below. If there is anything not covered on this website, that you still have a query about, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Reporting absence using Studybugs

With a few quick taps or clicks, you can give your child’s school all they need to record absence due to illness. This is a better, safer way to report when your child is sick and off school. With a few quick taps or clicks, you can give your child’s school all they need to record absence due to illness.

Speech and Language Information

Visit https://speechandlanguage.info/parents for lots of speech and language resources, advice and tips for parents working at home with their children.

Autism Information

Health and Wellbeing

In addition to the learning resources outlined on the previous pages, please find below various information to support Health & Wellbeing.

Lost Property

We have a lost property bin in school which you are free to check at the end of any school day.   Two of our Year 6 children go through Lost Property each Friday lunch time and return any items that are named.

We cannot reiterate enough the importance of writing your child's name and class on each garment - we have lots of children wearing similar items of clothing and are unable to return them if they are not clearly labelled.

Coronavirus Risk Assessments

During the pandemic the school has implemented various measures to help minimise the impact and spread of the virus along with any new variants.

Full details are available on the documents below: 


We use a new management information system called Arbor which replaced our previous systems from November 2020.

Given the increasing amount of data held in schools and more stringent data regulations, we have chosen a cloud-based system which is more secure than other platforms.  Furthermore, we are conscious that we are using several different systems to communicate with you and other systems to collect payments.

Arbor provides a one-stop shop for parents through their desktop portal or mobile app. We are sure that you will find this a more streamlined approach and easier to manage.  

Full information regarding the migration to the new system was forwarded to all parents/carers on the following dates: