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As part of our required preparations to ensure that we can offer blended or online learning at short notice, we have developed new policies and information packs to support this. The various information below is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what to expect from remote education if local restrictions require entire cohorts (or bubbles) to remain at home. 

Even if your child cannot attend school, we want to make sure that they can keep on learning, even at home. We will make sure that you know how much work we expect them to do, how long they should spend on each task and how to submit.

We use Microsoft Teams as the platform for sharing learning.

If you are worried that you will be unable to access remote learning, please inform your class teacher as soon as possible so that we can ensure that work is emailed out or sent via the post.

We understand that there will be more distractions at home than in a classroom, so we don’t expect pupils to work a full six hours with no break! It is important to maintain a routine and ensure you are still learning, even during these circumstances.

Whilst learning from home, we expect pupils to:

  • Spend the required amount of time on each task
  • Complete the required amount of tasks a day
  • Tell parents if they need help with a task
  • Send in any work they have completed

For more information about our Remote Learning offer, please refer to the documents attached below.