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Governing Body Composition

The constitution for the Local Academy Board is:

Principal, up to 2 parent governors, up to 2 staff governors and up to 5 co-opted governors. 

The quorum shall be 3 governors or, where greater, any one-third (rounded up) of the total number of governors of the LAB.

The Local Academy Body of Deanwood Primary School

Each governor is responsible for the monitoring of a key area of the school. Their responsibilities are listed below.

  • Jane Wright (Principal)
  • David Giles (Trust Appointed - Chair of Governors)
  • Barry Rhodes (Trust Appointed - Vice-Chair of Governors)
  • Paul Morgan (Trust Appointed)
  • Tricia Boahene (Trust Appointed)
  • Nicola Link (Parent)
  • Lizzie Russell (Staff)

Terms of Reference for our Local Academy Board can be found here.

For details of the Members and Directors of The Howard Academy Trust please click here.

Diversity Indicators

A link to our 2023-2024 THAT Governance Diversity Indicators can be found here.


The Local Academy Board will meet at least 3 times a year and otherwise as required.

Members of the Local Academy Board will have at least seven clear days’ notice of the meeting and its agenda, except in the case of an emergency meeting.

The agenda and minutes will be produced by the Clerk to Governors and made available to all members of the Local Academy Board via Governor Hub.

A copy of the minutes, apart from confidential items, will be available in the school office for inspection by parent/carers and staff.

Name Relevant Business & Pecuniary Interests
(including governance roles in other education institutions)
Attendance record at meetings for the academic year ('23-'24)
Jane Wright (Principal)
Appointed: 10/06/19
Member of NAHT
Parent Governor: The Thomas Aveling School
Community Governor: Phoenix Primary School
4 of 4
David Giles (Chair/Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 09/08/22
Barclays: Retired Employee
Waterfront UTC: Chair/Trust Appointed Governor
The Howard Academy Trust: Director
Deanwood Primary School PTA
3 of 4
Barry Rhodes (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 14/06/22
None Declared 4 of 4
Paul Morgan (Parent)
Appointed: 17/11/21
Advanced Practitioner: MidKent College
Business - P Morgan Coaching
0 of 4
Tricia Boahene (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 08/05/24
None Declared N/A
Nicola Link (Parent)
Appointed: 30/06/21
None Declared 3 of 4
Lizzie Russell (Staff)
Appointed: 28/02/24

None Declared

2 of 2
Past Governors
Lindsey Callaghan (Parent)
Appointed: 17/11/21
Resigned: 09/11/23
None Declared N/A
Sarah Bennett (Trust Appointed)
Appointed: 28/06/22
Resigned: 14/06/24
Deanwood Primary School PTA 2 of 4

Last Updated: 29th August 2024

If you are interested in becoming a school governor and would like more information our Chair of Governors, Mr D Giles can be contacted via the school office. Alternatively any correspondence can be sent to Mr Giles again c/o Deanwood Primary School via the school office.